How To Differentiate The Grades Of Different Replica Bags?

There are some questions that might curious everyone about fake designer bags. What is the quality of the bag? What is the grade of the bag? Let’s discuss about the factors to differentiate grades of replica bags.
1. External Material - The 1.1 grade is constructed of high-quality materials such as oxidised genuine calfskin leather trim on the outside. People can't tell the difference between a Grade 1.1 replica and a Grade AAA replica by looking at images; instead, they must feel the difference. The Grade AAA is usually constructed of regular canvas with PU leather accents.
2. Interior Material - On the interior, the AAA rating is only given a passing grade. Most of the time, they'd use plastic or inexpensive tan or brown suede to line the interior. Take a peek at the interior of a Grade AAA home and the quality of the construction.
3. Hardware - One of the simplest methods to judge the replica's grade is to look at the craftsmanship on the hardware. Pay particular attention to the bucket and zipper. The engravings on the Grade 1.1 reproduction are really good. The typical AAA rating overlooks the finer points.
4. Craftsmanship -  The difference between 1.1 and AAA grade may be determined by looking at the bottom or base of the bag. Grade 1.1 often has protecting bottom feet, but Grade AAA does not. Protective bottom feet are included in the 1.1 Grade.
5. Others - The 1.1 grade includes an actual card, dust cover, care booklet, and other components, but the AAA rating does not.
Shop for the best high quality aaa replica bags at


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